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Cynthia Farrell Johnson
Kindness Counts

It Doesn’t Cost Anything to Be Kind
During these days of uncertainty and change, here are a few quotes to guide you as you make your way in our world. Be kind to yourself as you show kindness to others.
Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring
to change a person’s life—Jackie Chan
I will not allow my life’s light to be determined
by the darkness around me—Sojourner Truth
Better a little with righteousness than
much gain with injustice—Proverbs 19:8
When the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace—Jimi Hendrix
Try to be the rainbow in someone’s
cloud—Maya Angelou
Love creates, produces, heals, comforts, guides, and illumines—U. S. Anersen
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